martes, 12 de octubre de 2010


We know that the first senses that a child develops are: hearing, touch and sight. A child perceives the sound and turns his head, feels and plays, and finally sees, these three senses are the ones which coordinate the personality. These are the three vital senses. Taste and smell follows, but they are not essential in life and if a man is lacking them, he has no obstacle in establishing contacts on the physical level.  The same sequence is governing the internal or subjective development.

The sense of touch reacts to control vibration, and recognizes what is outside  of a separate human unity on the physical level. It covers the period of gradual spiritual development, the paths of probation and discipleship to the portal of initiation. Man enters into regular contact with what is superior to him, he acquires an awareness of the Master’s “touch”, of his ego and group vibrations, and through the hidden sense of touch, he becomes familiar with the inner and the subtle. He seeks to achieve what concerns the higher self and touching the invisible things, he gets used to them.

Hands are potent factors in all magical work of healing and the use of the sense of touch is an esoteric science. The sublimation of the sense of hearing is  to hear the Voice of Silence or music of the spheres, it is a hidden education  of a  deeper kind, and those followers who have specialized in the science of sight and sound are some of the most advanced scholars of the Hierarchy.

One of the fundamental ways, as you know, is that of touch. This is the reason why I have not located psychometry as a particular category in the classification of instincts, senses and powers. Psychometry is essentially the ability to work and make contact with the soul of the upper group, which aims to reach the body of the lower group and also with the soul of those who so aspire. Actually it concerns the degree of inclusiveness achieved, which governed the relationship, for example, between a dog or other pet and a human being between a man and another, and between an applicant and his soul, his Master and his group. The touch is the keynote of evolution that continues today in Venus. It is sensitivity to spiritual impression..
Excerpts Esoteric Healing

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