martes, 12 de octubre de 2010


We know that the first senses that a child develops are: hearing, touch and sight. A child perceives the sound and turns his head, feels and plays, and finally sees, these three senses are the ones which coordinate the personality. These are the three vital senses. Taste and smell follows, but they are not essential in life and if a man is lacking them, he has no obstacle in establishing contacts on the physical level.  The same sequence is governing the internal or subjective development.

The sense of touch reacts to control vibration, and recognizes what is outside  of a separate human unity on the physical level. It covers the period of gradual spiritual development, the paths of probation and discipleship to the portal of initiation. Man enters into regular contact with what is superior to him, he acquires an awareness of the Master’s “touch”, of his ego and group vibrations, and through the hidden sense of touch, he becomes familiar with the inner and the subtle. He seeks to achieve what concerns the higher self and touching the invisible things, he gets used to them.

Hands are potent factors in all magical work of healing and the use of the sense of touch is an esoteric science. The sublimation of the sense of hearing is  to hear the Voice of Silence or music of the spheres, it is a hidden education  of a  deeper kind, and those followers who have specialized in the science of sight and sound are some of the most advanced scholars of the Hierarchy.

One of the fundamental ways, as you know, is that of touch. This is the reason why I have not located psychometry as a particular category in the classification of instincts, senses and powers. Psychometry is essentially the ability to work and make contact with the soul of the upper group, which aims to reach the body of the lower group and also with the soul of those who so aspire. Actually it concerns the degree of inclusiveness achieved, which governed the relationship, for example, between a dog or other pet and a human being between a man and another, and between an applicant and his soul, his Master and his group. The touch is the keynote of evolution that continues today in Venus. It is sensitivity to spiritual impression..
Excerpts Esoteric Healing

sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010

The Sense of Touch in the esoteric world

What are the senses? How many are there? And what is their connection with the indwelling Man, the Thinker? These are questions of vital importance and in their due comprehension comes the ability  to follow wisely the path of knowledge.
As regards taste and smell, we might call them minor senses, for they are closely allied to the important sense of touch. They are practically subsidiary to this sense. This second sense, and its connection with this second solar system, should be carefully pondered over. It is predominantly the sense most closely connected with the second Logos. This conveys a hint of much value if duly considered. It is of value to study the extensions of touch on the physical level and  other levels and see whither we are led.

In this connection, we should study likewise the value of touch as demonstrated by the healers of the race (those on the Bodhisattva line) and the effect of the Law of Attraction and Repulsion such as handled by them. Students of etymology will have noted that the origin of the word touch is somewhat obscure, but probably means to 'draw with quick motion.'
Astral-buddhic consciousness is the term applied to the basic consciousness in our solar system. It is characterized by emotion, by feeling, sensation, which have eventually to be transmuted into intuition, spiritual perception and unity. Each of these senses, after having reached a certain point, begins to synthesize with the others in such a way that it is almost impossible to know where one begins and the other ends. Touch is that innate recognition of contact through the exercise of manas or mind in a threefold manner: as recognition, as memory, as anticipation.

The three major senses and the three first to reveals an order are, hearing, touch and sight. For the greater part of evolution, hearing is the guiding impulse of human life through egoic contact with the top of the head. Later, when the Ego descends a little lower, the etheric centre which is active in connection with the pituitary body, is added, and man becomes responsive to subtler and higher vibrations; the occult correspondence to the physical sense of touch awakens. Finally, the third eye opens and the pineal gland simultaneously begins to function. At first, the sight is dim, and the gland is only partially responsive to vibration, but gradually the eye opens fully, the gland is fully active, and we have the "fully awakened" man. When this is the case, the center called alta major vibrates and then the three physical head centers are functioning.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

The evolution of the senses

One of the fundamental rules behind all magical processes is that no man is a magician or worker in white magic until the third eye is opened, or in process of opening, for it is by means of that eye that the thought form is energized, directed and controlled and the lesser builders or forces are swept into a particular line of activity. The third eye is formed by the activity of three factors:

First through the direct impulse of the Ego on its own level. During the greater part of evolution the Ego makes its contact with its reflection, the man on the physical level, through the center on the top of the head. When man is more highly evolved, and is nearing or treading the Path, the indwelling Self takes a more complete grasp of its lower vehicle, and descends to a point in the head or brain which is found approximately in the center of the forehead. This is its lowest contact. It is interesting to note the correspondence with the evolution of the senses. The three major senses and the three first to reveal an order are, hearing, touch and sight. For the greater part of evolution, hearing is the guiding impulse of human life through egoic contact with the top of the head. Later, when the Ego descends a little lower, the etheric center which is active in connection with the pituitary body, is added, and man becomes responsive to subtler and higher vibrations; the occult correspondence to the physical sense of touch awakens. Finally, the third eye opens and the pineal gland simultaneously begins to function. At first, the sight is dim, and the gland is only partially responsive to vibration, but gradually the eye opens fully, the gland is fully active, and we have the "fully awakened" man. When this is the case, the alta major center vibrates and then the three physical head centers are functioning.

Second, through the coordinated activity of the major head center, the thousand petals lotus above the top of the head. This center directly affects the pineal gland, and the interplay of force behind the two (the correspondence, on a tiny scale, of the pairs of opposites, spirit and matter), produces the great organ of consciousness, the "Eye of Shiva." It is the instrument of wisdom, and in these three centers of energy we have the correspondence of the three aspects within the head of man.
  1. Major head center - Will Aspect - Spirit - Father in Heaven.
  2. Pineal gland - Love-Wisdom aspect - Consciousness - Son.
  3. Third eye - Activity aspect - Matter - Mother.

The third eye is the director of energy or force, and thus an instrument of the will or Spirit; it is responsive only to that will as controlled by the Son-aspect, the revealer of the love-wisdom nature of gods and man, and it is therefore the sign of the white magician.

Third, the reflex action of the pineal gland itself. As these three types of energy, or the vibration of these three centers, begin to contact each other, a definite interplay is set up. This triple interplay forms in time a vortex or center of force, which finds its place in the center of the forehead, and takes eventually the semblance of an eye looking out between the other two.  It is the eye of the inner vision, and he who has opened it can direct and control the energy of matter, see all things in the Eternal Now, and therefore be in touch with causes more than with effects, read the akasic records, and see clairvoyantly. Therefore, its possessor can control the builders of low degree.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
 (Five Rules for the Astral Plane)

The Sense of Touch

The sense of touch or mechanic reception is that which allows organisms to perceive qualities of objects and media such as pressure, temperature, roughness or smoothness, hardness, etc. In the human being it is considered one of the five basic senses.   

The sense of touch is found mainly in the skin, an organ in which there are different kinds of nervous receptors which are responsible for transforming the various types of external stimuli to information likely to be interpreted by the brain.

Touch is a sense that with the lack of use of it has been devalued, along with smell and taste, resulting in a present where technological advances require more rigorously the senses of sight and hearing. And like everything that is not used, it will atrophy and we risk losing it, we may be in danger of becoming increasingly insensitive. The media is winning the battle to the other stimuli of life, reality which dictates that gradually some of our senses will start atrophying.

On the other hand, people are becoming more individualistic, avoiding the intimate, sincere and deep contact with others, preferring shallow relationships without compromise and without affection. Experimental investigations show that the act of touching each other is more valuable than a thousand words, and just a slight touch, from the emotional point of view, can be expressed without words and no doubts, well-defined emotions